Marriage licenses

Changes have been made to the statutes governing the issuance of marriage licenses. The following reflects those changes:

  • State of Maine resident: a license must be obtained from the city or town in which one of them resides. You no longer need to obtain licenses from each municipality. Place of marriage does not affect place of application.
  • Out of state resident: a license may be obtained from any municipal office regardless of where your ceremony is to take place.

Please note: for the future, you will only be able to request a certified copy from the town which issued the license. You will want to notate this in a permanent place in your records so that you and/or your family will have a point of reference.

Documentation to bring with you when you apply for a marriage license:

  • Proof of identity.
  • If a prior marriage for either party ended in death or divorce, the clerk will need to see a certified copy of the death certificate or divorce decree. Photocopies are not acceptable.

Both parties must be present to sign the marriage license. The license is valid for 90 days. Cost of the license is $40.