Garbage is collected every Monday for all properties. Residents must have their garbage out by 7.00 am to assure collection. We recommend trash is either double bagged or placed in a bin to prevent scattering by weather and animals.
The trash contractor is Casella.
Bulk Waste Disposal
Waste items too large for regular collection can be disposed of by getting a free permit at the Town Office and taking the waste to Ellsworth Waste Services at 15 Industrial Road, Ellsworth.
The Town does not cover the expense of brush disposal, however residents may take brush in a separate load and pay for the disposal.
Household Hazardous Waste
Household Hazardous Waste can be disposed of in Ellsworth once per year with Hancock County Planning Commission. A number of electronics and ballasts can be disposed of at Pine Tree Waste at no cost to the resident as well. Please review the list of accepted items.
Regarding Asbestos, Commercial and Industrial Waste:
Call the Department of Environmental Protection at 1-800-452-1942.
Alkaline (Flashlight) Batteries: AA, AAA, C&D types also known as alkaline batteries - no longer contain dangerous levels of heavy metals and can be disposed of with your regular trash.
Ammunition: Call your local police department.
Car, Lawn Mower, and Boat Batteries : Return them to the place where they were purchased or call Industrial Metals at 947-3710.
Functioning Computers : Consider donating your computer to PC's for Maine, a statewide non-profit computer literacy project based in Searsport. Contact them at 548-2888 to see if your no-longer wanted model is useful for the organization's computer literacy project.
Fireworks, explosives: Call the Maine State Police at 1-800-452-4664.
Infectious & Biological Waste: Call your local hospital safety department for disposal options.
Latex Paint: Open the can to dry the paint. Kitty litter or waste paint hardener (available at Sherwin Williams in Ellsworth) can speed up the process. Once dry, dispose of paint with your regular trash.
Propane Tanks: Take them to your local transfer station if they are accepted there or call the HCPC.
Rechargeable Batteries: Though we will accept these items at the collection, the HCPC encourages individuals to take nickel cadmium, lithium, small sealed lead, and nickel metal hydroxide batteries (often used in power tools, cell phones, camcorders) to businesses where those items are commonly sold, i.e. Radio Shack or Wal-Mart and they will be returned to a recycling company. The HCPC also can take these items. Please call ahead of time if you would like to drop an item off.
Smoke Detectors: Return to manufacturer or participating retailer.
Miscellaneous Usable Items: You may consider donating items through "Freecycle" an on-line community of people who post and browse items that are still useful and available at no cost. Examples include baby items, appliances, computer equipment, clothing, and other.