Burn Permit
The ways to obtain a burn permit in the Town of Dedham:
- Dedham Fire Station 9A-6P, 7 days a week
- Now FREE online @ https://www13.informe.org/burnpermit/public/index.html
Permits are issued for burning on weekends, and on weekdays (sometimes limited to only after 5:00pm), depending on weather and other conditions, additional restrictions may be imposed and/or burning may be suspended.
Seasonal Campfire Permits may only be issued by the Fire Chief, or designee. Contact the Fire Department to set up a time for the someone to inspect your fire pit.
The following materials can be burned with a permit:
- Painted and unpainted wood and demolition debris
- Wood waste (brush, stumps, lumber, bark, wood chips, shavings, slabs, edgings, slash, and sawdust - must not contain any metal, plastics, coatings, or chemicals)
- Vegitative growth for hazardous abatement purposes, such as but not limited to, burning of grass fields.
- The following situations do not require a burn permit:
- Residential use of outdoor grills and fireplaces for recreational purposes such as preparing food.
- Recreational campfires kindled when the ground is covered with snow or on frozen bodies of water.
The permittee must:
- Stay with the fire until it is completely out.
- The fire shall be fully extinquished before leaving it unattened.
- Have a written permit in their possession.
- Assure that no nuisance is created.
- Follow all safety guidelines and permit conditions.
Visit http://www.maine.gov/doc/mfs/firedanger/fire.shtml for more information!